英语学习:什么是早午餐Brunch ?


在西方,人们在星期天会享受特别的一餐,称为‘Brunch’,是英语中的‘portmanteau’(混成词) ,breakfast(早餐)和lunch(午餐)组合而成,因此我们称之为‘早午餐’。
在狂野的週六派对之后,年轻人喜欢第二天的早午餐。八卦一下前一天晚上发生在好朋友之间的趣事,潮男靓女们尽情享受着丰富香甜的食物;饮料更是各种各样,从经典的orange juice(橙汁)到French Press coffee(法式咖啡),甚至酒精饮料,应有尽有(继续着前一天晚上开始的畅饮)。有人说吃油腻的食物有助于消除宿醉,还有人说再喝些酒也起到同样的作用。
早午餐的真正吸引力当然是食物,主食常常是Eggs Benedict (火腿蛋松饼),或比较随意地称 “Egg Benny”。Eggs Benedict基本上是这样做成的:切成两半的English muffin (英式松饼),上方搭配火腿或培根,水煮嫩蛋及荷兰酱。
在我们学校的所在地西海岸,我建议你选“Smoked Salmon Eggs Benedict”(熏三文鱼蛋松饼)。带点烟熏味的美味三文鱼,放在英式松饼上,再加上荷兰酱,奶油芝士,菠菜和腌制的续随子。腌菜的味道刚好穿过油腻。其他的早午餐,我会推荐你试试各种各样的pancakes(煎饼),omelettes (西式蛋饼),waffles (蛋奶烘饼),French toast (法式吐司),frittatas (意大利煎蛋捲)和quiche (法式咸味蛋饼)。Pancakes和waffles常配水果,生奶油和融化的巧克力。
In the West, there is a special meal that people enjoy on Sundays. This meal is called Brunch, a portmanteau of the words breakfast and lunch. Brunch is essentially a late morning meal. More than other repasts, brunch is a very sociable and relaxed affair. Heck, you can even drink champagne at brunch, which defies the usual Western cliché that only alcoholics drink before noon.
After a wild Saturday night party, young people enjoy going to brunch. Gossiping about the previous nights happenings with their close friends, the young and hip gorge themselves on deliciously fatty, greasy and even sweet foods. Drinks range from the classic orange juice to French Press coffee and even to certain alcoholic beverages. (Continuing the drinking that started the night before). Some believe that that eating greasy foods helps to clear up hangovers and some others think that drinking more alcohol does the same.
Not just the young, many other people enjoy taking a brunch. Women especially enjoy dressing up a little a la ‘Sex and the City’ and going to brunches to share gossip about their careers and men.
The real attraction of brunch is definitely the food. A staple is the Eggs Benedict or in casual terms, an egg ‘Benny’. A basic Eggs Benedict involves two halves of an English muffin, piled with ham or bacon, poached eggs and hollandaise sauce. For most of us located on the West coast like our school, I would suggest choosing the ‘Smoked Salmon Eggs Benedict’. Tasty salmon with a soft smoky taste, on English muffins, topped with hollandaise sauce, cream cheese, spinach and pickled capers. The taste of the pickled capers cuts through the grease.
Other brunch menu items that I would suggest you try are the variations of pancakes, omelettes, waffles, french toast, frittatas and quiche. Pancakes and waffles are often served with fruit, whipped cream and melted chocolate. More hearty Brunch options are usually served with roasted potatoes and bacon or ham. Compliment your meal with refreshing orange juice, bubbly champagne or fulfilling coffee and you’re all set for an enjoyable Sunday.


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