


You have three children under eighteen. Your neighbour tells you that your children are eligible for family allowance. You are not sure which federal government department handles this program, so you call a local volunteer agency that assists immigrants in these matters. They give you the phone number for the Income Security Program, which you call.

A: Income Security Program.

B: Hello, can you tell me how I can apply for family allowance for my children?

A:Yes. What’s your name and social insurance number?

B: I don’t have a social insurance number yet, but I’ve applied for one.

A:Your children won’t be able to qualify for this program until you get your S.I.N. number. We can send you an application, just as soon as you get your number.

B: Will my children receive their allowance during this waiting period?

A:Yes, we’ll pay them retroactively right after their application is processed and approved.

B: Will I need any other supporting documents besides my Social Insurance Number to apply?

A:We’ll need to see your passport and immigration paper as well. You’ll have to make an appointment to come into our office in person with all these documents.


甲: 收入保障部门。

乙: 喂,你可以告诉我怎样为我的孩子们申请家庭津贴吗?

甲: 可以。你叫什么名字?你的劳工保险卡(下称工卡)号码是多少号?

乙: 我没有劳工保险卡号码,但已申请了。

甲: 在你未取得工卡号码之前,你的孩子是不能够申请牛奶金。当你取到号码后,我们会立即寄份申请表给你。

乙: 我的孩子们在这段等待期间会不会得到他们的津贴呢?

甲: 会,当他们的申请被审核和批准后,我们会补发这段期间的津贴。



Language Notes 语文註解

(1) Secutity——保障。

(2) Family allowance——政府提供给十八岁以下儿童的津贴,俗称牛奶金。

(3) Quality for——合资格申请。

(4) Waiting Period——等候期间。

(5) Retroactively——回溯以前。

(6) Process——这里解审查。

(7) Approve——批准。

(8) Supporting documents——证明文件。

(9) Immigration paper——移民入境文件。

(10) Make an appointment——约一个时间。

(11) In person——(惯用语) 解亲身。

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