“地球之肺”在燃烧!亚马孙烧了3周 巴西派出军队灭火


Aerial view showing smoke billowing from a patch of forest being cleared with fire in the surroundings of Boca do Acre, a city in Amazonas State, in the Amazon basin in northwestern Brazil, on August 24, 2019. - Brazil on August 25 deployed two Hercules C-130 aircraft to douse fires devouring parts of the Amazon rainforest. The latest official figures show 79,513 forest fires have been recorded in the country this year, the highest number of any year since 2013. More than half of those are in the massive Amazon basin. Experts say increased land clearing during the months-long dry season to make way for crops or grazing has aggravated the problem this year. (Photo by LULA SAMPAIO / AFP)


近日,亚马孙雨林大火(fires in the Amazon rainforest)引发全球关注。据报道,此次大火已持续三周之久,目前过火面积已经超过80万公顷。目前巴西已经派出军队军机灭火。



As of Sunday, President Jair Bolsonaro had authorized military operations in seven states to combat raging fires in the Amazon, responding to requests for assistance from their local governments, a spokeswoman for his office said.



Bolsonaro announced the military would be sent in on Friday after several days of criticism from the public and world leaders that Brazil’s government was not doing anything to fight the fires.


Under increasing international pressure to contain the fires, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has ordered 44,000 troops to be ready to combat the fires.



A video posted by the Defense Ministry on Saturday evening showed a military plane pumping thousands of liters of water out of two giant jets as it passed through clouds of smoke close to the forest canopy.



巴西国家太空研究院(Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research)的数据显示,超过半数的着火点集中在亚马孙盆地,22日至23日新增大约1663处着火点。


Brazilian state experts reported nearly 77,000 wildfires across the country so far this year, up 85 percent over the same period in 2018.




This year’s fires fit with an established seasonal agricultural pattern, said CNN meteorologist Haley Brink. “It’s the best time to burn because the vegetation is dry. “

CNN气象学家Haley Brink表示,今年的火灾与当地季节性的农业模式契合。“植被很干燥,所以这是烧山开荒的最佳时机。”


非营利组织亚马孙观察项目负责人Christian Poirier表示,此次大部分着火点都是人为造成的(human-lit)。

“The vast majority of these fires are human-lit,” said Poirier, who explained that even during dry seasons, the rainforest cannot catch fire easily, unlike, say, the dry bushlands of California or Australia.






亚马孙雨林是世界上最大的雨林,对减缓全球变暖至关重要,故常被称为“地球之肺(the planet’s lungs)”。

The Amazon is the world’s largest tropical rain forest and is seen as vital to the fight against climate change because of the vast amounts of carbon dioxide that it absorbs.




Brazilian climate scientist Carlos Nobre said he worries if 20-25 percent of the ecosystem is destroyed that the Amazon could reach a tipping point, after which it would enter a self-sustaining period of dieback as the forest converts to savannah. Nobre warned that it is not far off with already 15-17 percent of the rain forest having been destroyed.



canopy [‘kænəpi] n. 天蓬;罩蓬

vegetation n. 植被;草木

meteorologist [‘mitɪə’rɑlədʒɪst] n. 气象学者

bushland n. 灌木丛;原始林区

dieback n. 枝枯病

savannah [sə’vænə] n. 热带和亚热带草原

tropical rainforest 热带雨林

carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

tipping point 临界点


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