由草木皆剑到weaponize fake news


Weapon是a thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage,设计上或被用来造成伤害的东西,即武器、手段。

《牛津字典》对weapon的解释指两种物件,第一种是designed for inflicting harm or damage的,设计上原本的作用已是用来伤人或损毁,这些是明显的武器,刀剑、弓箭、长矛都是,当然亦包括现代武器,枪械,炸弹,以至原子弹(atomic bomb)、核弹(nuclear bomb)。这些是明刀明枪用来伤人、杀人的武器。

第二种weapon是a thing used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage,看似innocent的物件被用来伤人或制造损害,这些都是weapon,但你表面可能看不出。这种weapon更难提防,造成的伤害也可能比明刀明枪的武器更深远。



Weaponize是动词,解adapt for use as a weapon,把普通事物变成武器,使武器化。这个字经常会在新闻中看到。最近CNN就有这个标题:”How fake news was weaponized in Nigeria’s elections”(假新闻如何在尼日利亚总统选举中被武器化)。

News是新闻,fake news是假新闻,报道这样说:

Welcome to the Nigerian election season, where disinformation(假资料、假消息) and propaganda(宣传鼓动) are nothing new. But in the lead up to the 2019 presidential vote, now scheduled for February 23, fake news “has been on steroids ,” says Lolade Nwanze, journalist and head of digital operations for the Guardian Nigeria newspaper.
Steroid是类固醇,on steroid可直接解正在服用类固醇,有些运动员服用steroid,令肌肉增生,提升体质,变得更“大只”,但steroid在运动界是禁药,运动员被发现服用会取消资格;因此,on steroid就被用来suggest a highly exaggerated, enhanced, or accelerated version of something,某些事物的疯狂扩大版。

这些被weaponized的fake news不只是诬蔑竞选对手,而是这样:

As denials go, it was extraordinary and more than a little surreal(超现实的). The sitting president of Africa’s largest democracy was forced to refute(驳斥) repeated claims that he had died and a clone was now running his office.

假新闻离谱得说在任总统其实已死了,大家看到的只是他的clone(复制品、替身)。这种假消息其实不时都会发生在名人身上,若大家相信,Beatles的Paul McCartney几十年前已去世,这几十年继续行走乐坛的只是他的clone。



Weaponize这个字其实很传神,而任何事物都可以weaponize,细菌可以,毒物可以,然而最奸险、伤害最大的,可能是把trust(信任)和love(爱)来weaponize! Weaponize假消息对付对手,自古皆有,Real Fake News: Techniques of Propaganda and Deception-based Mind Control, from Ancient Babylon to Internet Algorithms就详列自古至今的攻心毒计。