







Eric Andrew-Gee在”Your smartphone is making you stupid, antisocial and unhealthy. So why can’t you put it down!?”一文中,就指出使用smartphone带来的的种种严重问题,这不是他自说自话,而是很多最新研究的结论。最大问题是smartphone令我们分心,减低专注力——“our ability to focus”。

Consider the effect smartphones have on our ability to focus. In 2015, Microsoft Canada published a report indicating that the average human attention span(持续时间段)had shrunk from 12 to eight seconds between 2000 and 2013. The finding was widely reported at the time and elicited some shock – for about eight seconds.

Focus用作动词解pay particular attention to,to concentrate on,集中、侧重做某事;例如︰We should focus our study on the materials that will be covered in the examination.(我们应该集中温习考试范围内的课文。)

Elicit解引出,跟illicit串法和读音相近,但意思就全无关系。Illicit解违法的、违禁的、不正当的,to carry on an illicit relationship解维持一段不正当的关系;例如︰The shop has been carrying on an illicit trade of smuggled cigarettes.(那商店售卖私烟。)

不断使用smartphone其中一个副作用是令我们的专注力愈来愈低。Attention span是可以专注的时间,2000与2013年间,由12秒下降至8秒。

A recent study of Chinese middle schoolers(中学生)found something similar. Among more than 7,000 students, mobile phone ownership was found to be “significantly associated” with levels of inattention seen in people with attention-deficit disorder(注意力缺乏症、多动症).


Even people who are disciplined(有纪律的)about their smartphone use feel the effect. The devices exert such a magnetic pull on our minds that just the effort of resisting the temptation(诱惑)to look at them seems to take a toll on our mental performance.



Being connected(连系)to everyone all the time makes us less attentive to the people we care about most. Nowhere is the alienating(使疏远)power of smartphones more troubling(令人困扰)than in the relationship between parents and children. Put simply, smartphones are making mothers and fathers pay less attention to their kids and it could be causing emotional harm.

Catherine Price的How to Break Up with Your Phone: The 30-Day Plan to Take Back Your Life,教你如何与smartphone建立健康的关系。