英语趣谈:Donald Trump和金正恩的frenemy关系



国际政坛经常风起云涌,像早前美国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)和北韩领袖金正恩(Kim Jong-un)就互相指骂,用上一些既幼稚又尖辣的字词侮辱、恐吓对方,绝对不是国家领袖应有的行为,令全世界都担心会擦出战火。

From “rocket man” to “dotard”, the US President and North Korean leader haven’t had kind words for each other. But their turbulent(汹涌的) relationship has taken an unexpected turn with both of them agreeing to meet.

“Rocket man”(火箭人)是Donald Trump给金正恩起的诨名,揶揄他恐吓向敌国射飞弹。金正恩就反击,叫Trump做”dotard”,即an old person, especially one who has become weak or senile,老糊涂、老懵懂。

报道的标题是”Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un: From enemies to frenemies?” Enemy是敌人,而frenemy则解a person with whom one is friendly despite a fundamental dislike or rivalry,简单说,就是友善但不和的关系。

Frenemy是个oxymoron,包含两个矛盾概念的字,或把两个意思矛盾的字放在一起用,即“矛盾修辞法”,例如open secret(公开的秘密)或deafening silence(震耳欲聋的寂静)。


Frenemy也是个portmanteau:a word that is formed by combining two different terms to create a new entity. Through blending the sounds and meanings of two existing words, a portmanteau creates a new expression that is a linguistic blend of the two individual terms.


Workaholic是work和alcoholic的组合。 Alcoholic是嗜酒者,饮酒过量的人;workaholic就是an individual who works excessive hours,工作狂;“购物狂”称为shopaholic;而吃朱古力吃到停不了的人就叫chocoholic。 Guesstimate是guess(猜测)和estimate(估计)的合体,即to estimate without solid facts or figures,不是全无根据,但也并非完全基于事实和数字的推测。

资讯科技年代亦催生了一些当时得令的portmanteaus,包括emoticon(表情符号),它是emotion(情绪)和icon(图标、标志)的混合词。另外,netizen是internet(互联网)加citizen(市民)组合而成,即指“网民”。想多学一些portmanteaus,可读Rebecca May的Portmanteau A-Z。