





Fraud是名詞,解wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain,行騙的罪行、詐騙;例如︰The man was sent to prison for fraud.(那男子因行騙罪被判坐監。)

Fraud也解a person or thing intended to deceive others, typically by unjustifiably(沒道理地、沒有根據地)claiming or being credited with accomplishments or qualities,即騙子,或騙人的東西。

每個世代都有騙子,Dan Davies在Lying for Money: How Legendary Frauds Reveal the Workings of Our World中就列出不少個案,也試圖分析受害人受騙的原因。

Barbara Erni, an 18th-century Liechtenstein woman famed(有名的)for her red-blonde hair, enjoyed staying in the best hotels the German Alps had to offer. Each visit was the same: she would consume(享用)the finest food and drink and run up a huge bill, but the hotel would be reassured by the fact that Erni had with her a trunk full of so many valuables(貴重物品)she insisted it be stored under the safest conditions.


不過這位Liechtenstein國民Barbara Erni,就到處去住高級酒店,住最好的房間,每餐點最名貴的菜,一段時間後,就會逃之夭夭,自然就是沒有付帳。


空心老倌,「呃飲呃食」的橋段,電影常見題材,這樣的橋段大家不知見過多少次,但為何由十八世紀到今時今日,仍然行得通,騙徒都可以繼續得逞?就Barbara Erni的手法,Dan Davies這樣分析:

Very simple, you might think-and very predictable. But as this history of fraud shows, simplicity and predictability don’t stop scams(騙局)from succeeding. In fact, they’re often a crucial part of the success.

Predictable解可預計的、意料之中的,predictability則解可預測。 Simplicity解簡單。 Predictability和simplicity,往往就是騙局成功的主要因素。當然,大家相信像銀行等大機構too big to fail,大得不可能倒閉,也是騙得到千千萬萬人的幌子,雷曼兄第破產、「毒債」和金融海嘯,就屬這一種。