

President Vladimir Putin, center, poses for a picture alongside with women dressed in historic Red Army uniforms during commemorations of the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad in the southern Russian city of Volgograd, once known as Stalingrad, Russia, Friday, Feb. 2, 2018. The five months of fighting in Stalingrad between August 1942 and February 1943 is regarded as the bloodiest war battle in history. The death toll for soldiers and civilians was about 2 million. Most of the city was reduced to rubble before Nazi forces surrendered on Feb. 2, 1943. (Alexei Druzhinin, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

俄罗斯在伏尔加格勒(原史达林格勒)举行盛大阅兵礼,纪念史达林格勒保卫战胜利75周年。总统普京当天来到位于伏尔加格勒的史达林格勒保战国家历史纪念博物馆,走在被白雪覆蓋的马马耶夫岗“祖国母亲在召唤”的巨型雕像前,向崔可夫元帅墓献上鲜花。他并且与一群穿着苏联红军制服的美女合照。普京在纪念活动上说,史达林格勒保卫战决定了祖国的命运,打破了纳粹德国的战略。苏联军队和人民取得了人类历史上最残酷血腥战争的胜利。史达林格勒保卫战的守卫者们完成了胜利的壮举,留给俄罗斯人民巨大的遗产:热爱祖国,捍祖国的利益和独立。 从马马耶夫岗俯瞰全城,是史达林格勒防御体系中最重要的环节。3万多名在战争中牺牲的苏联官兵埋葬于此。

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