

住家味十足的家乡蒸酿节瓜环(Traditional Steamed Stuffed Hairy Gourds),节瓜具利水清热功效,是一道有益健康的蒸菜。

小贴士 TIPS

Slap the dace fish mixture onto the cooking table a couple of times. This will enhance the texture of the stuffing.

做法 Directions
1. 节瓜去皮、洗净及切件,除去瓜芯。
Peel the hairy gourds, then wash and cut into pieces.
Remove the core of the hairy gourds.
2. 锅内烧热油,爆香蒜子、虾米、姜片,加入适量鸡汤及节瓜煮至软身,捞起。
Heat oil in a wok. Saute the garlic, dried shrimp and sliced gingers until fragrant. Add some chicken broth and hairy gourds. Cook the hairy gourds until soft.
3. 西兰花切小朵及洗净,灼熟备用。把膶肠和腊肠蒸熟及切粒。
Cut the broccoli into small florets and rinse well. Blanch them in a boiling water until cooked, then set aside. Steam the preserved duck liver sausage and preserved
sausage until cooked, then dice.
4. 腊肠粒与葱花、芫荽、鲮鱼肉、胡椒粉、盐及2汤匙生粉水拌匀。
Mix the diced preserved sausage with chopped spring onion, coriander, dace fish meat, pepper powder, salt and 2 tbsp cornstarch water.
5. 节瓜环涂上少许生粉。
Coat the hairy gourd rings with cornstarch.
6. 将鲮鱼肉混合物酿入节瓜环。
Stuff the hairy gourd rings with dace fish mixture.
7. 节瓜环以大火蒸10分钟上碟,放上西兰花。
Steam the hairy gourd rings over high heat for 10 minutes. Place the broccoli on top of the hairy gourd rings.
8. 锅内烧热油,加入2汤匙鸡汤、生粉水、蚝油、老抽煮稠,将煮好酱汁淋在节瓜环上,即成。
Heat oil in a wok. Add 2 tbsp chicken broth, cornstarch water, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce and cook until thick. Drizzle the hairy gourd rings with sauce. Serve.

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