【有片】浣熊消暑 潜民居泳池畅游不舍得走!


【星岛综合报道】多伦多近日热浪逼人,几乎每个人都在寻找一种克服夏天炎热的方法,包括多市的浣熊。 多伦多居民凯瑟琳(Catherine)在其Twitter账户发布了一段视频,显示一只笨拙的浣熊,在当地民居后院游泳池中畅泳。

多伦多一对夫妇凯瑟琳(Catherine Creager)和诺瓦克(James Novak)很高兴看到一只浣熊在周四的下午,将其极其灵巧的小手浸入他们后院的游泳池中,似乎这位「垃圾专家」决定进入降温的世界,令这对夫妇感到惊奇的是,原来浣熊懂得游泳。

Well, this is a first! Guess it was too crowded at the Humber River for a socially distanced swim today? @novak_james found this special visitor in our pool today…😂 @blogTO #raccoonsoftoronto #swimmingraccoons #trashpanda #onlyincanada pic.twitter.com/C8Yq5D4c9u

— Catherine (@ccreager02) July 23, 2020


Just about everyone in Toronto is looking for a way to beat the summer heat — including the city’s raccoons. Take a look as this plump trash panda takes a dip in a local couple’s backyard pool. pic.twitter.com/ceiEUYY1aX

— CBC Toronto (@CBCToronto) July 24, 2020

(图:Twitter / Catherine) T01

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