伊凡卡无孔不入 网友恶搞讽刺她多余





epa07681644 US President Donald Trump (C, right) speaks to his daughter and Adviser to US President Ivanka Trump (C, left) during the Leader's Special event on Women's Empowerment during the second day of the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, 29 June 2019. It is the first time Japan will host a summit. The summit gathers leaders from 19 countries and the European Union to discuss topics such as global economy, trade and investment, innovation and employment.  EPA-EFE/LUKAS COCH  AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT


epa07681917 US President Donald J. Trump (R) shakes hands with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (L) as Ivanka Trump (C) looks on during a meeting of G20 leaders to discuss empowering women around the world during the second day of the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, 29 June 2019. It is the first time that Japan hosts a G20 summit. The summit gathers leaders from 19 countries and the European Union to discuss topics such as global economy, trade and investment, innovation and employment.  EPA-EFE/Stefan Rousseau / POOL

此外,一支在大阪拍摄、显示出伊凡卡和几位世界领袖之间有点小尴尬的影片已在网路疯传。影片中当伊凡卡到来时,英国首相文翠珊(Theresa May)、国际货币基金会(IMF)总裁拉加德(Christine Lagarde)、法国总统马克宏(Emmanuel Macron)和加拿大总理杜鲁多(Justin Trudeau)正在谈判政策议题。她试图加入对话但似乎遭到漠视,当时就在她右边的拉加德甚至皱起眉头。

向来批评川普家族不遗余力的民主党国会议员加修-寇蒂兹(Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)就在推特发文说:“身为某人的女儿并不是一份职场资历。”


例如伊凡卡和美国总统罗斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt)、英国首相邱吉尔(Winston Churchill)与苏联领袖史达林(Joseph Stalin)同框。

Ivanka 8


Ivanka 1

Ivanka 10 Ivanka 9 Ivanka 2 Ivanka 3 Ivanka 4




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