Indulgent Grandparents对孩子有害?如何不宠溺




Indulge是动词,解allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of something,满足一些欲望;亦解to allow someone to enjoy something desired,这就是纵容。Indulgent是形容词,解纵容孩子的,indulgent parents是宠坏孩子的父母,indulgent grandparents就是宠坏孩子的祖父母。


Indulgent grandparents may be having an adverse impact(负面影响) on their grandchildren’s health, say researchers. The University of Glasgow study, published in PLOS One journal, suggests grandparents are often inclined to(倾向) treat and overfeed(令……吃得太多) children.


这个研究在英国的Glasgow大学进行,但却是基于十八个国家的五十六个研究,包括英国、美国、中国和日本。专注看diet and weight(饮食与体重)、physical activity(运动)和smoking(吸烟)三方面。

In terms of both diet and weight, the report concluded that grandparents’ behavior had an adverse effect. Grandparents were characterized(描绘为) by parents as “indulgent”(纵容) and “misinformed”(想法错误), and accused of using food as an emotional tool.

他们经常给孩子高糖和高脂的食物,”often in the guise of a treat”。In the guise解伪装为,treat是难得的乐事、款待。”Physical activity levels appeared to be related to whether grandparents were active themselves, or whether there was appropriate(合适的) space where children could be active.”(运动方面,视乎祖父母本身是否活跃,也看是否有合适地方让孩子活动。)

孩子的父母就算不同意自己父母的做法,但又不想干涉,因为要靠他们帮忙看顾孩子。Grandparents确实可以帮得上忙,University of Birmingham的另一个调查显示,”women’s participation in the workforce rose by 26% when their parents or in-laws helped out”。




Grandparents.com专栏作家Barbara Graham的Eye of My Heart: 27 Writers Reveal the Hidden Pleasures and Perils of Being a Grandmother,收集了二十七位作家的文章,剖白身为祖母的感受。