加或寻求NAFTA协商 解决加美软木争议


(170819) -- TORONTO (CANADA), Aug. 19, 2017 (Xinhua) -- Logs are piled at a lumber manufacturer of Murray Brothers Lumber Company in Ontario, Canada, on Aug. 16, 2017. The United States opened the 23-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) renegotiations Wednesday with a declaration that it wants major changes to the agreement that shifts the balance of trade. However, Canadian business owners are hoping U.S. negotiators will be receptive to maintaining, if not improving, the current flow of goods and workers across the border. Feuds over softwood lumber have been a recurring part of Canada-U.S. relations since the 1980s. Their root cause is U.S. industry's contention that Canada unfairly subsidizes its lumber by providing cheap access to public land. It's led to a cycle of American punitive action, followed by trade cases mostly won by Canada, and then a compromise settlement. The fifth and most recent lumber war was set off on April 24 this year when U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said the U.S. would impose new anti-subsidy duties on Canadian softwood. The initial duties added up to about 20 per cent, but a second wave of anti-dumping duties in late June brought that total to about 27 per cent. (Xinhua/Li Haitao)

加拿大驻美大使麦克纳顿(David MacNaughton)表示,若美国软木业一直运用否决权,阻止加美两国达成任何软木相关协议,加拿大会寻求在《北美自由贸易协定》(NAFTA)的谈判协商永久解决方法。




联邦自然资源部长卡尔(Jim Carr)则认为,美国遭两个飓风吹袭后,需要木制产品协助重建,相关压力会逼使白宫与加国解决软木争议。


美国缅因州州长勒佩奇(Paul LePage)、以及美国全国房屋建筑商协会,曾先后要求白宫暂缓微收软木关税,直到风灾后重建工作完成为止。

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