波音与中国公司合作 投资3300万


(FILES) This file photo taken on September 16, 2013 shows the bombardier aircraft CSseries is shown in Mirabel, Quebec after take off. Boeing has filed a petition with the US Commerce Department complaining that Canada's Bombardier is selling its CSeries passenger jet in the United States for less that it costs to make them. The US aerospace giant asked the Department's International Trade Commission on April 27, 2017 to look into Bombardier's "illegal and unfair business practices" and impose anti-dumping duties on the sale of those airplanes. / AFP PHOTO / Clement Sabourin


据《中国日报》报道,该合资公司的注册资本为5500万美元,波音将获得60%的股份,中国商飞将投资4000万美元,获得剩余40%股份。位于中国东部城市舟山的这座工厂的建设工作已于5月开始,将主营波音737 MAX系列飞机的内饰安装、喷涂、维修、维护、交付支持以及与上述业务配套的相关服务。

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