波音與中國公司合作 投資3300萬


(FILES) This file photo taken on September 16, 2013 shows the bombardier aircraft CSseries is shown in Mirabel, Quebec after take off. Boeing has filed a petition with the US Commerce Department complaining that Canada's Bombardier is selling its CSeries passenger jet in the United States for less that it costs to make them. The US aerospace giant asked the Department's International Trade Commission on April 27, 2017 to look into Bombardier's "illegal and unfair business practices" and impose anti-dumping duties on the sale of those airplanes. / AFP PHOTO / Clement Sabourin


據《中國日報》報道,該合資公司的註冊資本為5500萬美元,波音將獲得60%的股份,中國商飛將投資4000萬美元,獲得剩餘40%股份。位於中國東部城市舟山的這座工廠的建設工作已於5月開始,將主營波音737 MAX系列飛機的內飾安裝、噴塗、維修、維護、交付支持以及與上述業務配套的相關服務。

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