英语学习:Early risers和night owls各有千秋



“早睡早起精神好。”这句话被视为金科玉律,孩子晚上不愿上牀睡觉,爸妈就会对他们说这句话,大人普遍也有这种想法。但其实早睡未必可以早起,早起了精神也未必一定好,这是因为人人生理时钟不同,有的是early birds,早起的鸟儿;有的是night owls,夜晚活动的猫头鹰。

据统计,人口中有四分一是early bird,四分一是night owl,其余的人就在中间,不算太早起,也不算太晚睡。Early bird又叫early riser。有人说,早起的人通常较成功,又或成功的人很多都早起。但Amanda Ruggeri在BBC一篇报道中就指出,成功与否与早起、迟起无关:

People who enjoy rising early will be more aligned(对齐) with their workday and likely to achieve more. For a night owl waking at 7am, her body still thinks she’s asleep and is acting accordingly, so she’s groggy(昏昏沉沉的) for much longer than a morning person who wakes up at the same time.

社会的运作,总体是按着“日出而作,日入而息”的规律。政府或私人机构,绝大部分工作时间都是这样,early riser一早起来就精神奕奕,能配合这种作息时间表,所以有“着数”,工作表现自然容易比早上上班时仍未进入状态的night owl出色。

Early riser够坚持

可以说,日出上班、日落下班的工时对night owl十分不利。但有研究发现,其实early riser和night owl各有长处,分别也是典型的“左脑”或“右脑”较发达的问题。

Research shows that morning versus evening types show a classic left-brain versus right-brain division: more analytical(分析力强的) and cooperative(合作的) versus more imaginative(想像力高的) and individualistic(我行我素的).


Morning people are more persistent(坚持的), self-directed(自动自觉的) and agreeable(亲切的). They set higher goals for themselves, plan for the future more and have a better sense of well-being.

Early risers亦较少情绪低落,饮酒、抽烟也较少。

Night owl转数快

Night owls tend to perform better on measures of memory(记忆), processing speed and cognitive ability, even when they have to perform those tasks in the morning.

Night owls脑筋转得较快及愿意尝试新事物。健康方面,两类人没分别,但night owls整体较有钱。

这些观察有多准确?大家可能有不同意见,但肯定的是,决定一个人是early riser或night owl,遗传有很大影响。

牛津大学生物学家Katharina Wulff说顺着自己的生理时钟生活,人会舒畅点,工作效率也会高一点。读书时不能选择上课时间,但选择职业就可以考虑这个因素。例如night owls可当记者,还要返夜班!

睡眠对健康有莫大的关系,UC Berkeley Sleep and Neuroimaging Lab总监Matthew Walker教授的著作Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams,从多角度探讨睡眠。

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