


Excessive是形容词,解more than is necessary, normal, or desirable,过度的、过量的。大家都知道,就算是好的东西,若是excessive,好也会变坏。Excessive运动,excessive营养,就是对人的关怀,excessive也不是好事。父母excessive呵护子女,就会变成helicopter parents(直升机家长),容易堕入过分保护、过度介入和干预孩子的陷阱。

Excessive也解immoderate。Immoderate解not sensible or restrained,无节制的、过分的。例如︰Immoderate drinking would lead to liver problem.(饮酒过度会伤害肝脏。)


若excessive和immoderate不好,那我们就应该学会”moderation – the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one’s behavior or political opinions”,避免过度或极端,那就是节制。但实践起来,moderation似乎不是那么容易。


是现代社会文化作祟?Carlin Flora在”Down with Extremes! Health, well-being, and success rest on one principle: In all things moderation”一文中这样说:”… our culture valorizes extremes. ‘You can never be too rich or too thin’ is a persistent(反复出现的) message.” 

Valorize解give or ascribe value or validity to,赋予价值,视为正确、正当。当然,世上真有“太有钱”这回事吗?所以大家都尽力去赚钱,很多时牺牲健康、家庭都在所不计。

Moderation的目标是适中、达到这个目标所需要的是“适可而止”。做得到、做不到,这当中的心理大有学问。心理学家Glenn Geher说:”We have a ‘more is better’ algorithm(规则系统) built in. We evolved to like fatty food, but too much isn’t good. Many substances or stimuli(刺激) are beneficial in certain amounts, but then reach a tipping point after which they become harmful.” 

More is better,多就是好,愈多愈好。这是人通有的心态:”We don’t naturally moderate ourselves, because in ancestral conditions we didn’t have to.”(我们天生不懂节制,是因为我们的祖先生存的环境不用节制。)


我们也有看短线而牺牲长远的心态:”… a short-term focus primes us to eschew(戒绝、避开) moderation. We all discount long-term interests to some degree, and impulsive(易冲动的) people have an even stronger tendency(倾向) to do so.”

适可而止,moderation,其实最终是关乎self-control and willpower(自控和意志力)。Thomas Abreu的Willpower: Power of Self Control – How to Master Your Emotions,教你提升自控和意志力。

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