

People are seen in front of a Target store in Delta, British Columbia January 15, 2015. Target Corp will abandon its ill-fated expansion into Canada less than two years after launch, the U.S. discount retailer said on Thursday, in a surprise retreat that will put more than 17,000 employees out of work and cost it billions. The company is shutting all of its 133 Canadian stores and said it expects to report about $5.4 billion in pre-tax losses for its fourth quarter, which finishes at the end of January. Losses are mostly due to the writedown of the Canadian investment, along with exit costs and operating losses. REUTERS/Ben Nelms (CANADA - Tags: BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT LOGO)

■Cominar已把部分Target停租的舖位租出。 资料图片


魁省房地产投资信托公司Cominar REIT(TSX:CUF.UN)接连遭遇大型零售商结业腾空舖位的冲击,继美国百货业巨擘Target在2015年撤离加拿大后,又要准备面对老牌百货公司Sears Canada全面结业对Cominar造成的影响,Cominar已把Target空置的75%舖位出租予其他租户。

行政总裁科塞特(Sylvain Cossette)在昨日Cominar公布第3季业绩时表示:“我们刚在填补Target Canada留下零售舖位取得良好进展,但很不幸地又遭逢Sears结业。”


总部设在魁北克市(Quebec City)的Cominar一直非常主动接触租户,旗下零售面积现在有约75%已经出租,并正积极租出另外19%舖面。科塞特称:“以现在出租率75%计算,Cominar的租金收入较目标水平高出约10%。”



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