英语趣谈:Frugal living不等于miserable Spartan life



圣诞、新年,农历新年,送礼物给别人、买礼物给自己,大吃大喝,外出娱乐、去旅行。总的来说,这是个花钱的季节。大节过后,credit card帐单到来,看到要支付的数目,你会夸奖自己的自制和节约能力,抑或会大吃一惊,不知哪里找钱来支付这条大数?

其实要处理好个人和家庭的财政,大原则离不开量入为出,开源节流,但the devil is in the detail(魔鬼是在细节之中),难处在于实际怎样可以做得到。

节流有很多方法。停止excessive shopping可在年中为你省不少钱。这不是说连必需的东西都不要买,留意一下,就会发现其实我们买的东西很多都不属必需品,而是“不需品”。 Shopping是一种temptation(诱惑),而我们觉得难以抗拒,是因为我们都“聪明地”给自己各式各样的借口。

“How to resist spending temptation”一文指出,最常见的一种叫︰”But it’s on sale!”(不过是大减价啊!)这个借口的另一个版本是︰”It’s really cheap; it’s only (insert price ); it’s such a great deal!”(这真的很便宜;只不过是(填上价钱);真抵买!)

商店都明白顾客的这个弱点,所以有所谓的”fake markdowns”(假的减价),即把原价抬高,再基于较高的原价给折扣。但无论减价是真是假,减多少对你来说都不重要,重要的是:

This will require a mind of steel, but you must train yourself to ignore the base price(基础的价格) and focus only on the offered price(折扣后的价格). Your only considerations should be: (1) whether you really need it, and (2) whether the price fits within your budget. Even big discounts can mean big spending.

Steel是钢,mind of steel是像钢一般的心态,即坚定的意志力。大幅的减价,最易令人动心,要抵抗temptation,就要问自己两个问题:真有需要吗?价格在预算之内吗?无论减幅多大,都可以令你大出血。

第二个最常见的借口是:”But I’ve been working so hard, I deserve it.”(我工作得这么辛苦,应该得到奖励。)”It’s just that ‘working hard’ shouldn’t be an excuse to spend.

After all, it’s not like your income automatically expands proportionally(比例地) to how difficult work has been lately. Your budget trumps(胜过、相对重要) how you feel about your work stress.”



Frugal解sparing or economical as regards money or food,节约的、节俭的,或simple and plain and costing little,简单且花费少的。 A frugal lunch是简单便宜的午餐。但花钱容易节约难,这是人的天性。 Frugality是节俭,而frugality不等于是苦行僧般的生活。

在Frugal Living For Dummies一书中,作者Deborah Taylor-Hough这样定义frugal living:
Living frugally isn’t the same as living a miserable unadorned(朴素的), Spartan(清苦的) lifestyle. And being frugal isn’t the same as thing as being cheap or chintzy(低廉的). Frugal living is simply being economical in the use of your resources.

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