英语趣谈:不劳而获的weight loss大法





笑有很多好处,但笑可以减肥,大家就未必知道。有专家解释:”Laughter is not only the best medicine, it is the most effortless(不费力的) way to burn calories. Chuckling through a 15-minute stand-up comedy routine can burn between 10 and 40 calories. And this feel -good activity released a feel-good hormone called serotonin that could reduce appetite.”

Belly laugh是捧腹大笑,chuckle是低声轻笑,无论是哪种笑,都有燃烧卡路里的作用。大笑15分钟可烧掉10至40个卡路里,笑亦可令身体释放一种称为serotonin的荷尔蒙,会有减低食欲的作用。

另一个方法喜欢shopping的朋友必定会钟意:”an hour of shopping can burn about 180 calories. And if you go grocery(食物杂货) shopping for that amount of time, all the heavy lifting can help you burn closer to 260 calories.”

Shopping单是行来行去就可以销毁卡路里。 Shopping一小时可烧掉260个卡路里,试想象︰在大商场逛一个下午,专家建议每天要行的1万步,可以超额完成。寓减肥于逛街购物,可说是一举两得。

唱歌也可减肥︰”Don’t be shy about wailing along to your favorite tunes, at least in the privacy of your home or car. Singing can burn 136 calories. Bonus if you can also dance to your favorite tunes.”




营养专科Melina Jampolis医生在”Surprising facts that may keep you thin”一文中说,吃辣和一些香料都有助控制体重︰

Spicy food seems to keep people healthier. A very large Chinese study found that those who ate spicy food six to seven times per week versus once or less per week were 14% less likely to die from any cause.

Numerous other spices including cumin(孜然), ginger(姜), rosemary(迷迭香), oregano(牛至), cinnamon(肉桂) and turmeric(姜黄根粉) may also play a role in helping you stay slim by reducing inflammation(发炎), improving your body’s response to insulin and improving the composition of bacteria in your gut.

她和Kristina Petersen合着的Spice Up, Slim Down: A guide to adding spice to your diet to improve health and lose weight,就​​畅谈spices的健康作用。

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