

“There are no facts, only interpretations.”这句话来自十九世纪末德国哲学家Friedrich Nietzsche(尼采)。

Fact是a thing that is known or proved to be true,即事实。例如︰No argument is meaningful unless it is based on facts.(没有事实根据的论调,没什么意思。)Journalists must report only facts.(新闻记者只应报道事实。)


Interpretation是名词,解the action of explaining the meaning of something,对某些事物的解释;an explanation or way of explaining,解释或一种解释的方法。 Interpret是动词,解explain the meaning of (information or actions),解释资料或行为;understand (an action, mood, or way of behaving) as having a particular meaning,对行动、情绪或行为的一种理解。

表面上,interpretation和fact应是水火不相容,但想深一层,所有由人说出或写出的”fact”,都避免不了演绎、诠释的过程。从这角度看,”there are no facts, only interpretations”这句话,是有它真确之处。


像有点玄的道理,其实很实用,也很容易做得到。每天只需十分钟,不快的心情就会变得快乐。 University of Central Lancashire的临床心理学家Sandi Mann在她的著作Ten Minutes to Happiness中就教我们这个方法。



•What experiences, however mundane(平凡的), gave you pleasure?
•What praise(赞美) and feedback(反应、评语) did you receive?
•What were the moments of pure good fortune(不折不扣的幸运)?
•What were your achievements, however small?
•What made you feel grateful
•How did you express kindness(仁慈)?

不断这样做,就可慢慢改变不安、不快、不满的心态。 Sandi Mann介绍的方法是有科学研究作根据。这些研究证实︰”taking a little time to reappraise(重新评估、重新评价) your day in these ways can slowly shift your mindset(心态) so that you eventually find more happiness in your life.”


When we feel low, it can be easy to overlook(看漏、忽略) the things that are going right – and keeping this journal brings them to the forefront of your attention.