



心理学家、亲子专家Carl Pickhardt说:”Often asked by parents in frustration(沮丧), the question is still a good one: ‘What’s the point of adolescence(究竟为什么要有青春期)?'”有位父亲这样说:”If I can see the endgame, it’s easier for me to keep playing.”

Endgame是棋局的术语,解the last stage in a game of chess when only a few of the pieces are left on the board,残局、残棋阶段。这个字亦引申解the final stage of some action or process,尾声、最后阶段。




One developmental objective is to sufficiently detach(脱离) from parents and childhood so that by journey’s end the young person has acquired enough self-management freedom(自理的自由) and responsibility to finally support a functional independence(独立). “I can take care of myself.”

A second, and equally important developmental objective, is to sufficiently differentiate(区分、区别) from parents and childhood so that by journey’s end the young person has experimented with enough individual expression to claim a uniquely fitting identity(适合孩子的身份). “I know the person I am.”

简单说,即独立和找到自己在社会中的位置。其实大部分父母都明白这点,但遇上孩子态度恶劣,有时都忍不住责备他们。青少年情绪波动时跟他们对峙于事无补,要避免就要调节心态。首先切记:”Don’t take your child’s adolescence as a personal affront.” Affront解侮辱、有意冒犯。

Your son or daughter is not acting like an adolescent to “get you”(存心报复) or to get you upset. They are acting adolescent for themselves, for their own interest, mostly unmindful(不留意的,不顾别人的) of you.



To maintain a viable(切实可行的) relationship, you have to keep perspective(权衡轻重) while also specifying and insisting on the terms of family consideration you need your adolescent to observe.

例如他们不执拾自己的东西,父母应坚持让他们尽作为家庭一分子的责任,保持家居整洁,但不要骂他们。Carl Pickhardt在Surviving Your Child’s Adolescence教家长一些有用的做法。

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