



受害者Jenny Dao-D’Angelo表示,自己出生在加拿大但有中国血统。




渥太华警方已向《渥太华公民报》证实,已经与Jenny Dao-D’Angelo见面,并正在调查此事。

警方和当事人都未证实事发的具体地点,但Narcity表示,视频似乎是在Nepean区Merivale路上的Giant Tiger停车场拍摄的。

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I still can’t believe that in Ottawa in 2018, racist things like this can happen. As a Canadian born, I have NEVER witnessed such appalling derogatory behaviour towards someone of Chinese ancestry. I was walking to our car with my baby, my 88 year old grandmother and my mother. This woman and her husband impatiently waiting for a parking spot right beside me (note that there are many available spots in the lot including the one over) – made racist remarks to me, hit me with their car that was not captured in this video and finally aggressively and intentionally hit me on my left shoulder. Once they told me to “Go back to your country you Chinese Ch*nk B*tch”, I decided to capture their license plate and the following assault ensued in this video. The most offensive part is that this all happened as I had baby with me! I have already filed a police report. I have been told this is NOT the first time this couple has done this. Let social justice take its course. I hope they will NEVER have the opportunity to do this to someone else whether they be from Asian or a different descent. A huge thanks to our wonderful @ottawapolice ! They responded within 20 minutes of my call. Officers Wiseman and Fang were incredibly courteous, professional and kind. Thank you! #Ottawa #racism #racist #socialjustice #assault #shocked #ignorance #badbehavior

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