愛是給社區最好的禮物|專訪United Together代表Ezra Liu


有「愛」的長周末,除了歡樂出遊,還有哪些有趣而且有意義適合全家一起出動的活動呢?特別是在西區的朋友,強烈推薦大家9月5號下午去打卡新晉網紅公園Saigon Park,由United Together主辦的公益慈善社區燒烤派對。好吃好玩,精彩表演,還有適合兒童的氣球城堡、化臉各種小遊戲,更有免費BBQ可以享受。最關鍵的是大家一起來支持密市食品銀行!本期都市脈搏邀請到主辦方代表Erza給我們提前劇透一下這個有愛有溫度的組織和活動!

採訪嘉賓:Ezra Liu
United Together Community Outreach Director
更多有關United Together:
Mission Statement

To improve the lives of  our community by connecting them with skilled volunteers. We provide a variety of services for youth and seniors to ensure the involvement in the community.

Who We Are 

Formed in early 2020, we are a group of ambitious individuals who have an innate passion for helping the community, improving quality of life, supporting youth, our most vulnerable – seniors in the Ontario community. We achieve this by providing friendly programs such as an annual scholarship, food drives and fundraising events to support seniors assistance program. A non-political and non-religious group of volunteers who came together with one vision – to unite the community. 

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