多市大麻實體店今開業 店外逾40人排隊


Customers shop for cannabis on the first morning of opening for Toronto's "Hunny Pot," one of the retail stores licensed to sell cannabis in Ontario on Monday, April 1, 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young

Various products on offer are seen during a media tour of SpritLeaf's store in Kingston, Ont., Sunday, March 31, 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Lars Hagberg

Different kinds of cannabis on display are seen during a media tour of SpritLeaf's store in Kingston, Ont., Sunday, March 31, 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Lars Hagberg

Different kinds of cannabis on display are seen during a media tour of SpritLeaf's store in Kingston, Ont., Sunday, March 31, 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Lars Hagberg


負責審查省內大麻零售店的安省酒精及博彩委員會(The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario,簡稱AGCO)表示,今天有10間實體大麻零售店獲批准開業,但開業時間則由店主自行決定。


至於在多倫多,樓高4層的Hunny Pot Cannabis大麻零售店,昨日已有人露宿門外等待,今早最多人時有超過40人在門外排隊。

在Hunny門外排第二位的Stephanie Shamoon表示,昨晚大約10時已到這店舖前排隊;她表示,這是多倫多至今唯一一間大麻零售店,她可以成為歷史時刻的一部分。


(圖片:加通社) T02