

Alek Minassian is shown in a photo from his LinkedIn page. Minassian was a month away from completing his degree at Toronto's Seneca College when he reached out to an information technology recruitment firm in search of employment. "The semester ends end of April so I will be available at that time or early May," he wrote in an email dated March 21. The man now accused in a van attack that left ten people dead in Toronto seemed "intelligent" and "an articulate guy" with "no issues with written communication," the recruiter said. THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO

北約克貨車襲擊慘案疑犯米納希安(Alek Minassian)將於周四再次出庭。

26歲的米納希安面臨10起一級謀殺和16起謀殺未遂的指控,在2018年4月23日下午,米納希安被指駕駛一部租用的貨車,在央街(Yonge St.)高速衝上一條繁忙的行人路,造成10人死亡、16人受傷的重大慘劇。

星期四在大學大道法院(University Avenue courthouse)的訴訟程序將要求禁止所有的預審材料、文件和相關證物在媒體公開,直到2020年2月正式開審之後。


根據《刑事法》(Criminal Code)的規定,涉及謀殺的案件必須有陪審團參與,但如果在控辯雙方同意下,可以毋須設立陪審團,由法官單獨審理。(都市網Rick編譯,圖片來源網絡)

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