

DIABETES AMPUTEE--11/21/2007--Manfred Nothlich attemps to stand from a seated position using his newly adjusted prosthetic and the aid of physiotherapist Zoni Riondato during a therapy session at West Park Health Centre. 51 year old Manfred Nothlich of Toronto is a diabetic who developed an infection on his right foot in August 2007. Antibiotics could not clear up the infection leaving doctors no choice but to operate. On October 9, 2007 Manfred Nothlich entered into surgery, waking up to find that his right leg had been amputated above the knee due to the severity of the infection. After his hospital stay Nothlich entered Toronto's West Park Health Care Centre where he was fitted with a prostheses and began his journey of therapy and rehabilitation. (Tara Walton/Toronto Star)tlw



■殘疾稅款抵免的範圍較一般想像中廣。 資料圖片


踏入4月,不少民眾都趕在月底限期前報稅,有專家提醒原來不少開支,例如員工支付的醫療護理保險險費(health plan premiums)和搬屋開支(moving expenses)等是可以扣稅,隨時能為報稅人節省數百、甚至數千元稅款。

多倫多入息稅專家Jason Heath表示,在所有可以扣稅的醫療費用中,納稅人最常忽視由每月自動從僱員薪酬中扣除的保健或牙齒保險費,原來亦可視作醫療開支。



在再次置業前四年內沒有自置物業的人士、以及首次置業人士,均可為年內購買的合資格住所,包括獨立屋、condo或流動屋(mobile home)申請5,000元退稅。若業主的住房是2009年1月27日後購買,又未有在置業當年申請退稅,亦可提出調整之前的報稅單。


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