



外星人是alien,aliens到访,乘的是飞碟。在没有更准确的名称前,就称它们为“不明飞行物体”(unidentified flying object,或简称UFO)。过去几十年,科学发展走了很远的路,但对UFO的了解,却没有什麽突破。资讯科技年代,资讯流通迅速,这对公众对UFO的看法有影响吗?


In 2006 historian Ben Macintyre suggested in The Times that the internet had “chased off”(赶走) the UFOs. The web’s free-flowing(自由流通), easy exchange of ideas and information had allowed UFO skeptics to prevail(占上风), and, to Macintyre, people were no longer seeing UFOs because they no longer believed in them.

Skeptic是美式串法,英式串法是sceptic,skeptic用作名词解a person inclined to question or doubt accepted opinions,怀疑者。Skeptical是形容词,解not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations。例如︰The public are skeptical about the government’s explanation about immigration co-location at the express rail terminal in Kowloon West.(政府对高铁西九总站“一地两检”安排的解释,市民抱有怀疑。)I am skeptical about your ideas.(我对你的想法有保留。)

据历史学家Ben Macintyre的观察,资讯流通令相信有UFO的人减少,因为不相信,所以看到UFO的报告也减少了。

其实相信有UFO的人数多年来都是上上落落。1990年的民调发现,有27%的美国人相信”extraterrestrial beings(外星球的生物) have visited Earth at some time in the past.”到了2001年,比例回升至33%;到2005年,又下跌至24%。


除了研究是否真的有外星人来访,科学家也有兴趣探讨“信与不信”的心理。University of Westminster、Malaysia University和University of Vienna的学者研究发现:

The strongest believers in alien visitations(外星人造访) and cover-ups(掩盖真相) were in fact more likely to have paranormal(超自然的) and superstitious beliefs particularly beliefs in ESP(超感知觉), the afterlife(来生), and to have had unusual perceptual experiences.

而相信有天外来客的人对不明事物的态度较开放︰”meaning that they were high on such qualities as willingness to fantasize(幻想), explore new ideas, and try out new things.”

有关alien和UFO的书籍不少,但Mark O’Connell的The close encounters man – How One Man Made the World Believe in UFOs,谈的不是有UFO或没有,而是J. Allen Hynek的生平,这位天文学家”inspired Steven Spielberg’s blockbuster(流行大片) classic science fiction epic film, and made a nation want to believe in UFOs”。美国政府请他研究是否有UFO,他的结论是没有,但其后却改变想法。

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