Service Ontario提供預約服務 無須到現場排長隊了


【加拿大都市網】Service Ontario將開始在繁忙地點提供可預約服務,以減少排隊等候時間。



安省服務處 “強烈 “建議民眾只有在必要的情況下,才進行服務預約。駕照更新、車牌貼更新等40多項服務其實都可以在網上辦理。


“通過提供預約預訂和在線選擇,我們的目的是讓Service Ontario的續費和其他關鍵服務更容易和更安全,”政府和消費者服務部長Lisa Thompson說。



  1. Aurora: Bloomington and Yonge
  2. Aylmer: John and Progress
  3. Barrie: Simcoe and Mary
  4. Belleville: Front and Bridge
  5. Brampton: Gateway and Summerlea
  6. Brampton: Wexford and Hurontario
  7. Brockville: King and Market
  8. Burlington: Brant and North Service
  9. Chatham: Grand and Mitchener
  10. Cornwall: Brookdale and Fourteenth
  11. Dresden: St. George and Main
  12. Dubreuilville: Des Pins and Épinettes
  13. Georgetown: Marketplace Mall
  14. Guelph: Stone Road and Gordon
  15. Hamilton: King and MacNab
  16. Kemptville: Campus and Concession
  17. Kingston: Division and Dalton
  18. Kitchener: Duke and Ontario
  19. Lindsay: Kent and Angeline
  20. Lively: Regional Rd 24 and Jacobson
  21. London: Dundas and Talbot
  22. Massey: Sauble and Imperial
  23. Milton: Highpoint and Regional Rd 25
  24. Mississauga: Westdale Mall
  25. Napanee: Snow and Advance
  26. Oakville: North Service and Dorval
  27. Orangeville: Broadway and 4th
  28. Ottawa: Bank and Alta Vista
  29. Ottawa: Main and Casleton Cathcart
  30. Ottawa: Merivale and Slack
  31. Ottawa: Ottawa City Hall
  32. Renfrew: Plaunt and Prince
  33. St. Catharines: St. Paul and Carlisle
  34. Toronto: Bay and College
  35. Toronto: Bloor and Islington
  36. Toronto: Cedarbrae Mall
  37. Toronto: Leslie and Lake Shore
  38. Toronto: Sheppard and Doris
  39. Toronto: Sheppard and Kodiak
  40. Welland: Niagara and Thorold
  41. Whitby: Rossland and Civic Centre
  42. Windsor: McDougall and University



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