【視頻/多圖】委內瑞拉軍車沖人羣 反對派領袖吁軍人倒戈


委內瑞拉反對派領袖瓜伊多(Juan Guaido)當地時間周二呼籲進行大規模反政府抗議行動,宣布這是一項「最後通牒」,試圖將總統馬杜羅拉下台。


瓜伊多出現在政府軍的拉卡洛塔(La Carlota)軍事空軍基地外,他身旁有全副武裝手縛藍帶的的軍人支持他,瓜伊多呼籲政府軍轉向支持他。


Venezuela's self-proclaimed president Juan Guaido addresses supporters in Altamira Plaza in Caracas, Venezuela, Tuesday, April 30, 2019. Guaidó took to the streets with a small contingent of heavily armed troops early Tuesday in a bold and risky call for the military to rise up and oust President Nicolas Maduro. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)
反對派領袖瓜伊多周二早些時候帶着一支全副武裝的部隊走上街頭,要求軍隊起來推翻總統馬杜羅。 (美聯社)
Military personnel loyal to Venezuela's President Nicolas Madura stand inside La Carlota air base in Caracas, Venezuela, Tuesday, April 30, 2019. Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido appeared in a video with a small contingent of armed soldiers and formerly detained opposition activist Leopoldo Lopez calling for Venezuelans to take to the streets to oust Maduro. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)
政府武裝部隊在拉卡洛塔空軍基地布防。 (美聯社)
Rebel troops who are rising up against the government of Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro fire their weapons from an overpass outside La Carlota military airbase where loyal troops are located, as members of the press and civilians take cover in Caracas, Venezuela, Tuesday, April 30, 2019. Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó and jailed opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez took to the streets with a small contingent of heavily armed troops early Tuesday in a bold and risky call for the military to rise up and oust Maduro.  (AP Photo/Boris Vergara)
支持反對派領袖瓜伊多武裝部隊,與支持總統馬杜羅的政府軍對峙。 (美聯社)

An anti-government protester sits by ammunition being used by rebel troops rising up against the government of Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro as they all take cover on an overpass outside La Carlota military airbase where the rebel soldiers confront loyal troops inside the base in Caracas, Venezuela, Tuesday, April 30, 2019. Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó and jailed opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez took to the streets with a small contingent of heavily armed troops early Tuesday in a bold and risky call for the military to rise up and oust Maduro. (AP Photo/Boris Vergara)

支持反對派領袖瓜伊多武裝部隊走上街頭,與支持政府軍對峙。 (美聯社)Venezuela's opposition leader and self proclaimed president Juan Guaido gestures next to soldiers outside La Carlota air base in Caracas, Venezuela, Tuesday, April 30, 2019. Guaido called for a military uprising, in a video shot at a Caracas air base showing him surrounded by soldiers and accompanied by detained activist Leopoldo Lopez. (AP Photo/Boris Vergara)



Fireworks launched by opponents of Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro land near Bolivarian National Guard armored vehicles loyal to Maduro, during an attempted military uprising in Caracas, Venezuela, Tuesday, April 30, 2019. Opposition leader Juan Guaido took to the streets with a small contingent of heavily armed troops in a call for the military to rise up. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Opponents to Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro face off with Bolivarian National Guards in armored vehicles who are loyal to the president, during an attempted military uprising in Caracas, Venezuela, Tuesday, April 30, 2019. Opposition leader Juan Guaido took to the streets with a small contingent of heavily armed troops in a call for the military to rise up and oust Maduro. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)


Police aim their weapons at opponents to Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro during an attempted military uprising to oust Maduro in Caracas, Venezuela, Tuesday, April 30, 2019. Anti-government demonstrators clashed with troops loyal to Maduro hours after opposition leader Juan Guaidó took to the streets in a bold and risky attempt to lead a military uprising against the president. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)





委內瑞拉反對派領袖瓜伊多日前呼籲5月1日的大規模示威活動,以促使總統馬杜羅(Nicolas Maduro)下台。

瓜伊多是委內瑞拉國民議會(National Assembly)議長,今年1月23日挑戰馬杜羅,自行宣告為委內瑞拉臨時總統。儘管其獲得美國在內等50多國支持,瓜伊多仍無法讓軍方力挺的馬杜羅下台。

An opponent to Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro high fives a rebel soldier on a highway overpass outside La Carlota air base amid tear gas fired by loyalist soldiers inside the base in Caracas, Venezuela, Tuesday, April 30, 2019. Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó took to the streets in Caracas with activist Leopoldo Lopez and a small contingent of heavily armed troops early Tuesday in a bold and risky call for the military to rise up and oust socialist leader Nicolas Maduro. (AP Photo/Boris Vergara)
拉卡洛塔空軍基地的保皇派士兵向基地外示威群眾發射催淚彈,示威者與「變節」士兵擊掌打氣。 (美聯社)


(圖片:美聯社) T02

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