

Sara Czornodolsky watches as her two year old son Marcus Cowdrey plays with toys during a 11am press conference Sunday May 8, 2011 on Mothers Day at Network Child Care Services in Toronto. The recently formed Mothers for Child Care intends to investigate the accessibility, quality and affordability of child care services in Toronto. They are launching a Task Force that will hold hearings and discussions across Toronto to gather information from parents about challenges accessing affordable, high-quality child care. TARA WALTON/ TORONTO STAR

據Toronto Star新聞報導,在本周二的一次媒體發佈會中,安省托兒機構及家長代表倡議安省在即將出台的政府預算中增加五億加幣的投資費用和2兩億加幣的運營費用。發言人表示,安省托兒機構資源已經飽和,如果不增加預算,很難完成未來五年內容納十萬個名額的政府目標。

「還有兩天政府就要發佈新的預算,我們今天在這裡倡議增加托兒機構預算,因為我們的孩子不能等了。」安省托兒協會公共政策專員Carolyn Ferns在發佈會上說。




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